Tape Station Procedure for Digested Samples (250ng)

Tape Station

Dates Performed: March 25th

Samples run: 359, 854, 858

Did 1.8X bead clean first, resuspended in 25ul 10mM Tris HCL

Follow Protocol From: https://meschedl.github.io/MESPutnam_Open_Lab_Notebook/DNA-Tapestation/

Tube Setup

Accidentally combined 359 PST and 858 PST

Agilent Tape Station 4200 Setup

  1. Take appropriate DNA Tape, buffer, and ladder (either Genomic or D5000) out of fridge 30 minutes beforehand to allow it to equilibrate to room temperature
  2. Turn on TapeStation and laptop Steps
  3. Take out appropriate number of Tape Station strip tubes and tube caps (located F drawer 11)
  4. Vortex and spin down buffer, ladder, and samples
  5. Add 10µl of whichever DNA buffer each to the number of tubes needed + 1. The first tube is always the ladder
  6. Add 1µl DNA ladder to the first tube
  7. Add 1µl of each sample to each sample tube
  8. Put on tube caps and vortex for 1 minute in IKA vortexer
  9. Spin down tubes
  10. Open TapeStation Controller program and make sure connection to Steve is good
  11. Put in tape and check expiration date
  12. Take off tube caps and place tubes in Steve with the ladder in position A1
  13. Name tube positions in TapeStation Controller program
  14. Start and relax! After
  15. The TapeStation Analysis software should open by itself
  16. View the traces with the Electropherogram option
  17. File -> Create Report
Written on March 25, 2021