Plate Reader - Post 1.5X bead clean plate C and plate A

Plate Reader for Plates A and C

Date Performed: November 13th, 2021

Standard layout for both plates: 0,0,,6.25,6.25,12.5,12.5,25,25

Master Mix Plate A: ~60 samples, 12000ul buffer, 120ul enhancer, 120ul dye
Master Mix Plate C: ~80 samples, 16000ul buffer, 160ul enhancer, 160ul dye

Followed standard plate reader protocol, but added 8ul TE buffer to each sample well.

Used Qubit for row H plate, AccuGreen Qubit Kit, Sample number corresponds to well number

Sample Run 1 Run 2
S1 398.03  
S2 106228.07  
1 5.22 5.22
2 7.22 7.24
3 7.90 7.88
4 6.24 6.24
5 9.08 9.18
6 8.38 8.34
7 6.30 6.40
8 7.18 7.18

Next steps: Plate A needs to be restarted, I will quantify raw DNA on plate reader. Plate C needs to be diluted for adapter ligation.

Written on November 9, 2021