Plate B Split, Bead Clean, Plate Read
Plate B Split for Troubleshooting Post Digest
Date Performed: April 29th, 2021
Split Plate B into Plate B and D:
Followed Step 7 From DDRad protocol for post digestion PERFORMED AS 1.5X bead clean\
Maggie did Plate B
Natalie did Plate D\
For last step of bead clean removed liquid and added final water one row at a time
Moving plate up one space on magnet at least a minute before adding nuclease free water really helped mix\
Followed Protocol for Plate Reader:
For Plates B and D made the following master mix:\
- 74 samples plus 12 standards
- 20mL buffer
- 200ul dye
- 200ul enhancer
Standard Setup
- 2 0ng/ul
- 2 2ng/ul
- 2 12ng/ul
- 2 25ng/ul
- 1 50ng/ul
- 1 100ng/ul
Plate Read Result:
Written on April 29, 2021