Horseshoe Crab DNA (re)Extraction and Quantification

Horseshoe Crab DNA (re)Extraction and Quantification - Qubit Assay Broad Range dsDNA

Date of Extraction: December 10th, 2020
Date of Assay: December 10th, 2020

Tissue samples re-extracted: 441-443, 445, 446, 448, 449, 452-454, 491, 794, 796, 818, 824, 835, 836, 859, 886
Tissue samples quantified: 441-443, 445, 446, 448, 449, 452-454, 491, 794, 796, 818, 824, 835, 836, 859, 886

DNA Extracted following Version 3 Extraction Protocol
Used same assay procedure as in previous post

Note: All samples labelled as ###-2

Sample Run 1 Run 2
S1 199.50  
S2 20498.74  
441 82.4 83.2
442 76.0 75.2
443 125 125
445 72.0 72.2
446 71.6 72.2
448 124 126
449 103 103
452 79.0 79.8
453 100 101
454 87.0 88.2
491 93.0 92.6
794 96.6 98.0
796 69.2 69.6
818 59.8 60.8
824 65.8 65.6
835 104 105
836 76.0 76.2
859 78.6 79.8
886 98.4 99.6
Written on December 10, 2020