Horseshoe Crab DNA Extraction and Quantification

Horseshoe Crab DNA Extraction and Quantification - Qubit Assay Broad Range dsDNA

Date of Extraction: November 24th, 2020
Date of Assay: November 24th, 2020

Tissue samples extracted: 481-485, 871-885
Tissue samples quantified: 791-793, 795, 797, 814, 815, 819, 821-823, 832-834, 837, 839, 840, 898, 843, 844

DNA Extracted following Version 3 Extraction Protocol
Used same assay procedure as in previous post

Sample Run 1 Run 2
S1 196.05  
S2 22448.42  
791 91.8 90.0
792 69.2 69.4
793 75.2 74.0
795 59.2 65.0
797 71.8 70.8
814 80.8 79.8
815 65.6 63.6
819 87.8 85.0
821 55.6 55.4
822 90.2 89.2
823 54.4 53.6
832 62.4 61.6
833 63.8 61.6
834 63.6 62.6
837 72.0 69.6
839 70.4 67.6
840 69.8 67.4
843 69.6 67.4
844 50.6 49.0
898 72.0 70.8
Written on November 24, 2020