Horseshoe Crab DNA Extraction and Quantification

Horseshoe Crab DNA Extraction and Quantification - Qubit Assay Broad Range dsDNA

Date of Extraction: November 5th, 2020
Date of Assay: November 5th, 2020

Tissue samples extracted: 412-413, 426-430, 766-768, 811-813, 826-831
Tissue samples quantified: 412-413, 426-430, 766-768, 811-813, 826,831

Notes from extraction: messed up when setting up axygen tubes for 829 and 830. Will run assay at later date.

DNA Extracted following Version 3 Extraction Protocol
Used same assay procedure as in previous post

Sample Run 1 Run 2
S1 190.92  
S2 21318.70  
412 88.6 87.0
413 96.8 98.0
426 76.6 77.4
427 77.4 78.6
428 102 102
429 91.6 93.0
430 86.2 87.8
766 79.6 81.0
767 69.0 70.6
768 98.0 99.8
811 83.6 86.2
813 90.4 90.4
812 64.0 65.2
826 80.8 80.4
827 69.0 69.4
828 67.6 68.0
831 90.4 90.2
Written on November 5, 2020