Horseshoe Crab DNA Extraction and Quantification

Horseshoe Crab DNA Extraction and Quantification - Qubit Assay Broad Range dsDNA

Date of Extraction: November 3rd, 2020
Date of Assay: November 3rd, 2020

Tissue samples extracted: 351-364, 366-369, 761, 411
Tissue samples quantified: 862, 351-364, 366-369, 761, 411
Notes from extraction: sample 366 small tissue quantity

DNA Extracted following Version 3 Extraction Protocol
Used same assay procedure as in previous post

Sample Run 1 Run 2
S1 193.53  
S2 21749.24  
862 118 120
351 90.6 90.6
352 89.0 87.2
353 82.6 82.8
354 77.8 78.0
355 80.6 79.8
356 71.8 73.0
357 77.6 77.0
358 90.8 89.8
359 86.4 86.4
360 76.0 76.0
361 86.4 86.4
362 84.0 84.4
363 82.6 82.8
364 79.0 79.0
366 94.8 94.6
367 71.8 71.8
368 63.2 62.2
369 86.6 86.0
761 72.6 72.8
411 81.6 82.4
Written on November 3, 2020