Gel for QAQC Pools 1 and 2 (Tape Station Out of Service)

Gel on pools 1 and 2

Date Performed: January 22nd, 2022

Tape station not working so using gel instead for fragment size check

Step 1 - Amplify 1ul of post PCR Pools

  • Pool 1
    • 2 ul sample
    • 10ul Kapa Hifi
    • .5 ul 502 primer
    • .5 ul 702 primer
    • 7ul nuclease free water *Pool 2
    • 1 ul sample
    • 10ul Kapa Hifi
    • .5 ul 505 primer
    • .5 ul 705 primer
    • 8ul nuclease free water Ran 12 cycle PCR. Post PCR 1.5X bead clean (20ul*1.5=30ul beads), re-eluted in 20ul 10mMtris HCL

Ran second round of Qubit on initial PCR pools because of weird results previously

Sample Run 1 Run 2
S1 440.58  
S2 112716.60  
Pool 1 2.96 2.94
Pool 2 6.88 6.78

Plate A

Written on January 22, 2022