Digest Prep - First Bead Clean for Enzyme Testing

Bead Clean for Enzyme Testing

Samples selected for test: 401, 419, 759
Date Performed: January 26th, 2021
These samples were chosen based on location, date collected, sex, and DNA concentration/gel quality

  1. Set up strip tube for each sample (8 total reactions per sample)
  2. Added volume necessary for 500ng DNA (this number was calculated in this spreadsheet:https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1njUXXOcOWUZv8l4SMtWlhzyxg0ekKZ7k4dtOU3trQ-I/edit#gid=0) Volume Table

  3. Added remainder volume up to 50ul with Nuclease Free Water
  4. Added 50ul Kappa beads to each sample and pipetted up and down to mix (10x)
  5. Placed on orbital mixer in magnet plate for 15 minutes on 200
  6. Made 80% ethanol mix (5omL conical 40mL 100% ethanol and 10mL nuclease free water)
  7. Took samples off mixer
  8. Removed clear liquid from each tube and expelled into waste trough
  9. Set pipette to ~1ul(this may be off) to carefully suck up any remaining liquid
  10. Added 200ul 80% ethanol to each tube on side without bead
  11. Removed 200ul 80% ethanol without disturbing bead
  12. Added 200ul 80% ethanol to each tube on side without bead
  13. Removed 200ul 80% ethanol without disturbing bead
  14. Used a p20 to remove any excess ethanol in each tube
  15. Waited few minutes for any ethanol to evaporate
  16. Took tubes off magnet plate
  17. Resuspended beads in 70ul nuclease free water
  18. Put tubes back on shaker
  19. Labelled new tubes for cleaned DNA
  20. Put tubes back on magnet until liquid clears
  21. Removed clear liquid from each tube and put in corresponding new tube
  22. Stored in fridge for next step
Written on January 27, 2021