Digestion Testing
Testing Digestion on 12 Samples
Date Performed: May 19th and 20th, 2021
Randomly chose 12 samples for digestion: 369,396,394,416,756,767,815,819,834,443-2,488-2,784,2 (Plate ZY) Started with Step 4 of ddRad Protocol (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iWBGgBZuXlVuiEV-A3ecxeyn9ZaY389tAqGZWksjs5Y/edit)
- Thawed samples, vortexed, and spun down
- Added water to plate first then added corresponding amount of sample to get 350ng of DNA
- Sealed plate, vortexed, spun down plate
Followed Bead Clean (1x) protocol
- Made fresh conical of 80% ethanol (40mL 100% ethanol and 10mL of nuclease free water)
- Added enough beads to trough. I used the old beads and the were definitely well mixed and room temperature
- Added 50ul of beads to each sample and mixed by pipetting up and down until uniform
- Put rubber cover on plate then placed on orbital mixer for 15 minutes
- Put plate on magnet rack for 3 minutes until bead formed on side of tubes
- Used the multichannel to remove 90ul of the clear supernatant from each tube
- Added and removed 200ul 80% ethanol 2X
- Let bead dry without becoming cracked
- Added 70ul nuclease free water to each tube by dripping onto bead and mixing until resuspended and uniformally mixed.
Made master mix of digestion solution
- Vortex and spun down each component (made a lot extra for error)
- 200ul cutsmart buffer (8*25)
- 25ul PST1
- 25ul EcoR1
- Vortexed and spun down master mix
- Added 10ul of master mix to each sample
- Pipetted to mix
- Sealed plate
- Started in thermocycler
May 20th - Bead clean and Qubit
- Maggie took plate out of thermocycler and placed in 4 degree fridge
- Arrived to lab and took out plate and Qubit standards.
- Fixed PEG solution as described above (Maggie had taken this out for me at 3pm)
- Made fresh 80% ethanol conical
- Followed protocol for 1.5X bead clean:
- Did not vortex and spin plate because the beads are still in
- Added 120ul of PEG-NACL to each sample (solution was definitely room temp)
- Pipetted up and down to mix until uniform.
- Put rubber cover on plate then placed on orbital mixer for 15 minutes
- Put plate on magnet rack for 5 minutes until bead formed on side of tubes
- Removed 190ul clear supernatant from each well
- Add 200ul 80% ethanol to each well
- Remove 200ul of the supernatant from each well
- Add 180ul 80% ethanol to each well
- Remove 200ul of the supernatant from each well
- Went back in with P20 to get any residual liquid
- During all the above steps was very careful not to touch beads
- After drying briefly, added 33ul of nuclease free water to each sample. This step always goes pretty poorly (see image below)
- While plate was on orbital shaker I made the master mix for the Qubit
- n = 12 + 2 + 2 = 16
- 16 * 199 = 3184ul buffer
- 16 ul Reagent
- vortex and spun immediately after making and again before using
- Placed plate back on magnet to easily remove 1ul for assay
- Added 190ul master mix to each standard tube and 199ul master mix to each sample tube
- Vortexed standards and added 10ul to corresponding axygen tubes
- Added 1ul DNA to each corresponding axygen tube (for these I took them out and watched to make sure I could see the 1ul entering the liquid)
- Vortexed and spun all standards and samples
- Results from Qubit below:
Sample | Run 1 | Run 2 |
S1 | 149.14 | |
S2 | 18225.93 | |
369 | too low out of range | too low out of range |
396 | too low out of range | too low out of range |
394 | too low out of range | too low out of range |
416 | too low out of range | too low out of range |
756 | too low out of range | too low out of range |
767 | too low out of range | too low out of range |
815 | too low out of range | too low out of range |
819 | too low out of range | too low out of range |
834 | too low out of range | too low out of range |
443-2 | too low out of range | too low out of range |
488-2 | too low out of range | too low out of range |
784-2 | too low out of range | too low out of range |
Written on May 19, 2021