DNA Extraction, Digestion on Plate C, Plate Reader on Plate B
DNA Extraction, Digest, Plate Reader
Date Performed: 11/3/2021
DNA Extraction results can be found here: https://njameral.github.io/Ameral_Lab_Notebook/All-Gels-2021-samples/
Plate B - Plate reader
Followed protocol, but added 8ul TE buffer for even volumes in all wells -
Digestion plate C - PST and EcoR1 - did not leave beads in for digestion. I have been having issue with having enough digestion MM. I only had enough for 71 samples, but I made enough for 80 samples.
I had 74 samples to process so this means I would need to make 12 extra to have enough. Not sure how this makes sense. Calculations below:
Number of samples = 74
Number of error = 6
Total preps = 80
1ul Pst/sample = 80 ul Pst1
1ul EcoR1/sample = 80 ul Pst1
80ul buffer/samp = 640 ul buffer
Total volume MM = 800ul
800ul/10ul per sample = preps for 80 samples